Translucent polycarbonate panels allow diffuse natural light into the visual arts exhibition space with its unique hanging system on a track grid for easy installation and flexible configuration of display panels. Photo by Thomas Ryan.
The unique hanging system on a track grid enables exhibitors at Moonah Arts Centre to configure the space in a multitude of ways by means of easy manipulation of display panels, thereby solving an intractable exhibition problem. Photo by Adam Gibson.
A smaller exhibition alcove is able to open up to the adjacent main Moonah Arts Centre exhibition space or to operate as a discrete and separate space for small bodies of work if desired. Photo by Adam Gibson.
Light is the medium that moulds spaces and reveals the art and performance at the Moonah Arts Centre. The design uses restrained but multiple natural light sources to highlight and delight. Materials reflect, absorb or fragment the light. The “light box”, clad in translucent polycarbonate panels, is a visual arts exhibition space. The main exhibition space opens to a smaller adjacent exhibition alcove, which can operate as a discrete and separate space if desired. A unique hanging system operates on a track grid, allowing for easy installation and flexible configuration of display panels, and solving an intractable problem.