St. John’s Presbyterian Church master plan, Hobart, Tasmania: Our staged design creates welcoming spatial and visual connections that support social cohesion and an inclusive community, with equitable access for all ages and abilities.
The mid-block city site extends between Davey Street and Macquarie Street in Hobart. Significant heritage buildings, Bellkirk, the former manse, and the St. John’s Presbyterian Church occupy separate street frontages. Our master plan vision takes advantage of this situation with a staged design that is unique to the context and the brief. Spatial and visual connections support social cohesion and an inclusive community, with spiritual, social and cultural expression, and a strong sense of place, belonging and community purpose at the heart of the design. Equitable access for all ages and abilities is a core value, emphasised by friendly and inviting transitional zones between the public realm and pastoral / church community activities. Heritage conservation requirements are respected and a consistent architectural language creates an uplifting atmosphere and incorporates environmentally sustainable design (ESD) throughout.