Rosny Historic Centre, City of Clarence, Tasmania: Rosny Barn’s traditional timber roof shingles and massive stone walls conserve its integrity and the separate, modern shelter hints at the original form of that farm building. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Rosny Historic Centre, City of Clarence, Tasmania: Rosny Barn’s stone masonry, traditional timber shingle roof, traditional timber fencing and stone farmyard wall conserves a pioneering ex-convict Tasmanian farm settlement. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Rosny Historic Centre, City of Clarence, Tasmania: Lighting of the Rosny Barn flexible arts space enhances pre-existing qualities of drama and mystery originally conjured by its massive stone walls and high dark volumes. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Rosny Historic Centre, City of Clarence, Tasmania: Being a space for visual and performing arts events, we developed a separate flexible and removable exhibition display system for a variety of display areas, formats and layouts. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Rosny Historic Centre, City of Clarence, Tasmania: Our “light touch” conservation and design approach retains the historic integrity of Rosny Barn and its setting, allowing easy movement between the inside and outside spaces. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Rosny Historic Centre is a picturesque ensemble of an original walled farmyard and its stone farm buildings from Tasmania’s early convict period. It is a physical memorial to pioneering ex-convict farmers from the first decades of Hobart’s colonial settlement. Rosny Barn is an excellent example of its type, being a large masonry barn demonstrating the design and construction techniques of such structures.
Our conservation and adaptive re-use strategies for the walled yard, the barn and remnant structures, included a minimal impact approach to the existing fabric, retention of as many past alterations and insertions as was logical and careful assessment of the most appropriate approach for each new insertion.
The award-winning outcome conserves the integrity of the historic structures, reveals the story told by the built fabric and enhances the drama of the barn’s high volume, massive stone walls and timber roof. Rosny Barn is now a high quality, flexible space for visual and performing arts events. The overall Historic Centre has universal access, site lighting, new interpretive signage, a large store and an outdoor shelter.
This project by Morrison & Breytenbach Architects with Mary Knaggs Heritage Architect.