Jetty Shelter, Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania: Sensitive to its context, the unassuming contemporary public amenity links land and sea, past and present, for tourists embarking and disembarking from the Hobart / Port Arthur ferry. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Jetty Shelter, Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania: Flexible sliding timber screens open the timber lined interior to historic views and fine weather, or close to give protection from wind or adverse conditions. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Jetty Shelter, Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania: Seen across the water against a backdrop of tall Tasmanian forest, the contemporary timber jetty shelter evokes the boatsheds of bygone eras that it interprets. Photo by Peter Whyte.
Evocative of a simple boatshed, the Jetty Shelter at Mason Cove, Port Arthur Historic Site, is an unassuming contemporary “threshold” building – a link and transitionary space between land and sea, past and present, for visitors using the Hobart / Port Arthur ferry. As a public amenity, its function is to manage safe access and to ensure waiting passengers a measure of comfort – shelter from the elements and the provision of public conveniences. The shelter is a place for pause on arrival, allowing orientation and contemplation of the historic setting to be explored and a place for reflection on the experience and its revelations prior to departure. Use of local timbers express the Tasmanian context.